Führerstandvideos der Kopenhagener S-Bahn

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Registriert: 13 Feb 2008, 12:08

Beitrag von Marc87dk »

I understood that there was interest in cab-videos, so I am uploading a couple of cab-videos from the Copenhagen S-Train (S-Bahn)

Line H
Frederikssund - København (Kopenhagen) - Østerport (Der Kopenhagen Ostbahnhof)

Teil 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQ_xsaN-J0Q

Teil 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2rgrJGwGFk

Teil 3: Coming soon

Teil 4: Coming soon

Route Info:

The Frederikssund line opened in 1879 as a single-track railway to Frederikssund from Frederiksberg, which at that time was a station on the main line between Copenhagen and Roskilde. In 1911 the main line was moved to connect to the new (current) central station, and the Frederikssund line inside Vanløse was replaced with a connecting line to Valby. The old line between Frederiksberg and Vanløse had a quiet existence until March 4, 1934 when it became part of the first S-train line. Much later this piece of railway metamorphosed again and became part of the Copenhagen metro.

Later in 1934 S-train service was extended westwards from København H until Valby, and in 1941 the section Valby-Vanløse was upgraded to double track and S-train service too. Passengers to stations further out would ride the S-train to Vanløse and change to steam trains (later diesel) there. In 1949 S-train service was extended to Ballerup, and at the same time the line was double-tracked as far as Herlev. A second track between Herlev and Ballerup was built 1966-1970.

The diesel trains at the outer end of the line were finally replaced by S-trains in 1989. At this time, the line's terminus in Frederikssund was restored to its original central location. It had been moved nearer to the harbour in 1928 in order to connect to the short-lived central Zealand railway and kept its new, somewhat remote, location for more than 50 years after the central Zealand railway closed again in 1936.

After the 1989 electrification, the line outside Ballerup was kept as a single-track line. Uniquely for an S-train line, several level crossings with roads were kept after the electrification of the Ballerup-Frederikssund part. With fixed train crossings in Veksø and Ølstykke the single track could sustain three trains an hour in each direction, which quickly proved inadequate to keep up with the traffic demands. It took several years before funding for an upgrade could be secured, but a second track between Ballerup and Frederikssund was eventually built until Veksø in 2000 and all the way to Frederikssund in 2002. As soon as the new track was ready, the service frequency was doubled to six trains an hour. The double track also allowed new stations to be opened at Kildedal and Gammel Toftegård.

The route is served by line C and H.
The C-trains stop at every station, while the H-trains serves as "express" services, only stopping at the important stations.
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Registriert: 13 Feb 2008, 12:08

Beitrag von Marc87dk »

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Registriert: 13 Feb 2008, 12:08

Beitrag von Marc87dk »

ET 474
Beiträge: 1957
Registriert: 25 Mär 2003, 12:30
Wohnort: Hamburg

Beitrag von ET 474 »

Tolle Videos, danke dafür! (Smukke Videos, tak for det!) Hast du auch Videos von 2. Generationszügen im Einsatz? (Har du også Videos fra anden-generations S-togene i drift?)
Beiträge: 12
Registriert: 13 Feb 2008, 12:08

Beitrag von Marc87dk »

Yes ;)

2. generation, and the absolute favourite: 3. generation

ET 474
Beiträge: 1957
Registriert: 25 Mär 2003, 12:30
Wohnort: Hamburg

Beitrag von ET 474 »

Marc87dk @ 15 Feb 2008, 18:24 hat geschrieben:Yes  ;)

2. generation, and the absolute favourite: 3. generation

Auch das sind schöne Videos, vielen Dank dafür. Weißt du, wie das mit der betriebsfähigen Erhaltung eines 2.- und 3.-Generationszuges aussieht? (Viste du, som det med køreklare opbevaring med en 2.- og 3.-Generationstog ud se?)
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Registriert: 13 Feb 2008, 12:08

Beitrag von Marc87dk »

You mean which units are still in service?
Both generations have dissapeared completely during the last years. Only two 2. Generation units remain. The first one has been moved to the railway museum in Odense. The other one has been bought by a private rail-club. All other units have been scrapped.

It is much worse with the 3. Generation. Only 12 units were build (4 of them being prototypes which were removed from service in 1994 and were scrapped)
The remaining 8 were supposed to run on the new city-ring line, but after constant technical problems, one of them being a child getting caught in the doors, DSB decided that it was too dangerous to have them running, and the costs to fix them would be too much. So EVERY 3. Generation unit was scrapped. Not even one remaining for the museum :(
ET 474
Beiträge: 1957
Registriert: 25 Mär 2003, 12:30
Wohnort: Hamburg

Beitrag von ET 474 »

You mean which units are still in service?
Nej, jeg mener MM 7781-FU 8021-MU 8521-FS 7281 og MM 7795-FU 8035-MU 8535-FS 7295, som kørten som sidste anden-generationstogene på 3/2 2007 og nu som Museumstogene opbevares skal. Skal en ud de to 4-vogn-enheder som kørende Museumstogene opbevares?
Both generations have dissapeared completely during the last years. Only two 2. Generation units remain. The first one has been moved to the railway museum in Odense. The other one has been bought by a private rail-club. All other units have been scrapped.
3. Generation blev til starten med Sommerferien 2006 ud af drift taget og i Oktober 2006 endgyldigt udrangeret, 2. Generation blev med afskedskørsel på 3/2 2007 udrangeret. MM 7781-FU 8021-MU 8521-FS 7281 blev flyttet mod DSB-Museum i Odense, MM 7795-FU 8035-MU 8535-FS 7295 blev salgt til en private jernbane-klub. Skal ingen ud denne togene som kørende Museumstog i København opbevares?
It is much worse with the 3. Generation. Only 12 units were build (4 of them being prototypes which were removed from service in 1994 and were scrapped)
Ja, ich weiß. Die 3. Generation war ursprünglich als Express-S-Bahn für die Køgebuchtbahn und Nordbahn geplant. (Den 3. Generation var oprindelig som Express-S-tog for Køgebugtbane og Nordbane planlagt.) 1979-80 wurden 4 Prototypen beschafft, 1985-86 folgte eine 8 Einheiten umfassende Serie. (1978-80 blev 4 Prototyper anskaffet, 1985-86 fulgte en 8 enheder omfattende Serie.) Die 4 Prototypen wurden 1995 ausgemustert und verschrottet, die 8 Serienfahrzeuge wurden 1997 modernisiert und 2006 ausgemustert. (Den 4 Prototyper blev 1995 udrangeret og ophugget, den 8 Serienkøretøjer blev 1994 renoveret og 2006 udrangeret.)
The remaining 8 were supposed to run on the new city-ring line, but after constant technical problems, one of them being a child getting caught in the doors, DSB decided that it was too dangerous to have them running, and the costs to fix them would be too much. So EVERY 3. Generation unit was scrapped. Not even one remaining for the museum
Soweit mir bekannt, war die 3. Generation ursprünglich als Express-S-Bahn für die Køgebuchtbahn und Nordbahn geplant. Doch aufgrund finanzieller Schwierigkeiten ist die 3. Generation niemals in großen Stückzahlen gebaut worden. So fristete die 3. Generation stets ein Schattendasein im Fahrzeugpark der Kopenhagener S-Bahn. Der Einsatz blieb die meiste Zeit über auf die Linie B beschränkt und wurde erst in den letzten 2 Jahren auch auf die Ringbahn ausgeweitet. Der ursprünglich auf den Linien A und E angedachte Einsatz ist nie erfolgt. Nach der endgültigen Ausmusterung im Oktober 2006 soll die DSB noch versucht haben, die 8 Serienfahrzeuge an andere S-Bahnbetriebe in der Welt zu verkaufen. Doch die Fahrzeuge waren zu spezifisch für das Kopenhagener S-Bahnnetz ausgelegt, ein Einsatz in anderen S-Bahnnetzen wäre nur mit aufwändigen Umbauten möglich gewesen. So blieb der 3. Generation nur noch die Verschrottung. Aber dass so ein Fahrzeug nicht mal für das Museum aufbewahrt worden ist, ist schon schwach.
Existiert in Kopenhagen überhaupt noch der Veteran-S-togsklub, der zumindest früher einmal den 1. Generationszug betreut hat, als dieser noch als betriebsfähiges Museumsfahrzeug aufbewahrt worden ist?
Beiträge: 12
Registriert: 13 Feb 2008, 12:08

Beitrag von Marc87dk »

MM 7795-FU 8035-MU 8535-FS 7295 is located in a truck-yard in Rødovre until DJK begins with the renovation program.

The plan is to rebuild the FS 7281 car into an AM car (with 1.st class compartment) This is not historically correct, as the 1st class control-cars were not part of the 4-car trains. It was always MM-AM. Never MM-MU-FS-AM.
The plan was originally set for a 2-unit set MM-FS that they were supposed to take over. But it was discovered that many of the older units had a high amount of uncontaminated asbestos, and posed a serious health threat to the drivers and the passengers, they were scrapped.

While it will not stick with the history, it will be nice to get the 1st. class compartment back
This will be the only unit used in traffic as special train or museum-train

MM 7781-FU 8021-MU 8521-FS 7281 are all located at the railway museum now, and it seems very unlikely that they will be used again outside the museum.

Actually a third unit is stored in Høje Taastrup. What will happen to it is unknown. It is said to be restored as DSB S-Tog's own personal museum-unit. But yet it is still written as a "reserve unit" in case more than one of the 4. generation units will be out of service. But there is only 0,1% chance of this ever happening. The unit is in a very bad condition and has been exposed to heavy vandalism during the year it has been standing there.
Beiträge: 12
Registriert: 13 Feb 2008, 12:08

Beitrag von Marc87dk »

ET 474
Beiträge: 1957
Registriert: 25 Mär 2003, 12:30
Wohnort: Hamburg

Beitrag von ET 474 »

MM 7795-FU 8035-MU 8535-FS 7295 is located in a truck-yard in Rødovre until DJK begins with the renovation program.
Schöne Bilder, danke dafür. / Smukke Billeder, tak for det.
The plan is to rebuild the FS 7281 car into an AM car (with 1.st class compartment) This is not historically correct, as the 1st class control-cars were not part of the 4-car trains. It was always MM-AM. Never MM-MU-FS-AM.
The plan was originally set for a 2-unit set MM-FS that they were supposed to take over. But it was discovered that many of the older units had a high amount of uncontaminated asbestos, and posed a serious health threat to the drivers and the passengers, they were scrapped.
FS 7281 skal ombygges til 1st-class-afdel? God idee! Det er naturligvis ikke historisk ret, men bedre som ingen. 1st-class-afdel havden kun den første 7 enheder, som blev efter afskaffelse med 1st class til øvrige FS ombygget. Der var oprindelig planlagt, for restaurere den første leverede MM-AM(Fs) med en ydligere MM-FS. Men denne togene havden store problemer med asbest. Så blev besluttet, for erstatte denne togene med senere byggede togene, som skal "ombygges" til AM. Das wurde bei uns in Hamburg mit dem 471 082 auch so gemacht: Zunächst sollte eine Einheit aus den 40er Jahren als Museumszug aufbewahrt werden. Da aber die Einheiten aus den 50er Jahren alle besser als die Einheiten aus den 40er Jahren waren, wurde eine Einheit aus den 50er Jahren ausgewählt, die in einer Hälfte in den Lieferzustand der 50er Jahre restauriert wurde und in der anderen Hälfte optisch auf 40er Jahre "umgebaut" wurde. So sind beide Epochen in einem Zug vorhanden. Warum also nicht auch mit FS 7281?
While it will not stick with the history, it will be nice to get the 1st. class compartment back
This will be the only unit used in traffic as special train or museum-train
Ganz meiner Meinung. Auch wenn es nicht ganz historische korrekt ist, wird auf diese Weise das 1. Klasse Abteil wieder hergestellt. Wann soll diese Einheit fertig sein?
Actually a third unit is stored in Høje Taastrup. What will happen to it is unknown. It is said to be restored as DSB S-Tog's own personal museum-unit. But yet it is still written as a "reserve unit" in case more than one of the 4. generation units will be out of service. But there is only 0,1% chance of this ever happening. The unit is in a very bad condition and has been exposed to heavy vandalism during the year it has been standing there.
Dieser Zug wird wahrscheinlich nur deshalb als äußerste Betriebsreserve deklariert, weil der sonst nicht als Museumsfahrzeug geduldet wird. Das ist anderswo schon öfters so gemacht worden: Die letzten Fahrzeuge ihrer Art wurden als "äußerste Betriebsreserve" zurück gehalten und später als Museumsfahrzeuge wieder hervor geholt. Die Auslegung als "äußerste Betriebsreserve" war oftmals nur eine Tarnung für spätere Museumsfahrzeuge, weil die Fahrzeuge sonst nicht anders vor der Verschrottung bewahrt werden konnten.
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Registriert: 13 Feb 2008, 12:08

Beitrag von Marc87dk »

Line E - From Vesterport to Hillerød - Part 1

Part 1 covers the section between Vesterport (Kopenhagen Westbahnhof) and Nordhavn (Nordhafen)

The file is 1 GB big and in DVD quality

Lower quality will be upload to Youtube later.

The line:

Line E covers the S-Bahn line from Køge, the southern Copenhagen suburbs, central Copenhagen and the northern towns in the Frederiksborg district.
This video starts in Vesterport (unoffical West Central Station/ Westbahnhof) which is located in the heart of Copenhagen, near the old west-gate (hence the name).

After the train leaves, it goes through the city-tunnel and the next stop is Nørreport (unoffical Nordbahnhof) which is the most busy station in Denmark. Here passengers may change to metro, International, Regional and InterCity services.

The train then continues through the city tunnel, and is then out in the open again. Then the next stop is Østerport (unoffical Ostbahnhof) which is the end-station for S-Train Line H, as well as InterCity and Regional trains.

After the train leaves Østerport, it follows along the main tracks of the international Coastline (Kystbanen)
To the right, you can see the busy harbour district, with both cargo and ferry terminals.
The trai nthen reaches Nordhavn, and that is the end of Part 1. Enjoy!
Beiträge: 12
Registriert: 13 Feb 2008, 12:08

Beitrag von Marc87dk »

I changed the plan a little, because it takes so long to get those large files down.
I have uploaded the entire video (700 MB) to www.veoh.com
Here is the direct link http://www.veoh.com/videos/v6312222T6JxfDpN

To get the video, you have to download VeohTV first, and then you can download the entire video. It is fast and there is no loss in quality.
I strongly advice you to burn it to a DVD if possible, because for some reason the video looks very dark when you play it on your computer, while when you watch it on television from a DVD player, it looks very very light.